Time to Think About the Garden

Yes, I know it is currently -3 degrees and there is still a few feet of snow on the ground, but hey, it’s March! And March, to Gardeners, means preparing seeds for sowing and earnest planning and preparation for produce! Garden shops and news articles are already inundating us with ideas they hope will inspire us to new heights of gardening expertise. While planning to play in the dirt is a pleasant and useful undertaking (sorry about the pun), it is also the season to plow and prepare our hearts as we follow Jesus on His Road to the Resurrection. For the next six weeks leading to Easter, we’ll be studying the actions of Jesus in His final week on Earth. This week we begin by looking at the night of Passover as Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray before He was arrested by the authorities.

Scripture tells us that Jesus went to the Garden to pray because he was overcome with grief and sorrow knowing what was about to befall Him. In the Garden we see that Jesus underwent a transformation from being grief-stricken to being God-driven as we witness His countenance moving from one of trepidation to one of resolve. I hope that you can join us this week as we begin to travel the Road to Resurrection to see how trusting God in EVERYTHING will bring us peace and Him Glory. As you prepare your gardens in the promise of the coming new life of Spring, please also prepare your hearts for the celebration of the new and eternal life promised to us by the One who has NEVER broken a promise. Pray without ceasing!

-Pastor Dave Jones