In a world filled with “fake news,” deceptions, and “relative truth,” it is no wonder that people have become skeptical about everything they see or hear. Most of the information to which we are exposed has been filtered through the world’s view of how they think things should be rather than how God designed things to be. We have lost perspective as we have drifted further from a Christian world view and closer toward a Secular world view. Even history has been re-written to support a relativist/liberalist perspective. Less than a hundred years ago all of our American History books clearly stated that the USA was a Christian Nation; you would be hard-pressed to find that term in any school textbook today. What changed? Was it the Constitution of the United States – the foundational document upon which our country was chartered? No, the Constitution remains intact; it is man’s interpretation (or, perhaps more precisely, mis interpretation) of its contents to justify our own personal agendas. Case law (judicial precedence) has become the new standard by which we are judged replacing the original concept of right and wrong, black and white. This change has inserted man into the position of God. If we don’t like the way the law works, we simply change it to make it justify our secular (sinful) lifestyles.
I believe the skepticism we experience is inextricably linked to the growing narcissism (it’s all about ME) in our culture. This pervasive “me-centeredness” has caused us to lose perspective of the truth that this world and each of our lives was designed to be “God-Centered.” Perhaps that is what makes it so difficult for people to accept the truth that Jesus Christ was (and is) real, that He did what He said He did, and was (and is) Who He says He is. People who consider themselves “intellectuals,” or “scientific,” want to be convinced of the reason, logic, and evidence which supports Christ’s assertions of divinity or even His existence. For those people in your life, I strongly recommend that you show them some love and take them to the movies. Just released last week, The Case for Christ is a movie based on Lee Strobel’s book of the same name. It follows his story as an investigative journalist for the Chicago Tribune as he set out on a two-year journey to disprove the existence and claims of Christ. A great film to help those who struggle with believing. Christ is REAL!! He lived, died, was buried, and rose from the grave. He ascended into Heaven and He WILL return to judge ALL men. One day, EVERY ONE of us will believe – do someone you know a favor, don’t make them wait until their belief is too late.
-Pastor Dave Jones