There is Wisdom in Prayer

Last night we started a new Sunday evening prayer meeting before Discipleship training and  it was truly a blessing for all who attended.  After the prayer meeting we discussed the first chapter of Proverbs and realized the critical link between  praying and living a wisdom-filled life. God has AMAZING plans for the lives of  His  children.  Plans which will bring us joy exceedingly, abundantly more than anything the fleeting pleasures of  this world can offer us.  All we have to do is keep an eternal perspective and practice wisdom by following the truth which God  has so graciously provided for  us.  

As we discussed in yesterday’s sermon, don’t let yourself be drawn in to the adultery of  this  world by forsaking your covenant relationship with God.  Embrace wisdom and know that you are being true to  your Creator and  Savior.  Walk  in the light as He is in the light.

-Pastor Dave Jones